The method of calculation of demagnetizing curve and magnetic flux loss based on magnets with good linearity of demagnetizing curve have been showed in this paper. 对退磁曲线线性度较好的磁体,提出一种用数学方法计算磁体B=f(H)关系和磁通损失数学表达式的方法。
By means of demonstrating theory formula of the instant loading model and the linearity loading model, the improved exponential curve model was discussed. The numeration method of corresponding parameter was given, too. 通过对瞬时加载和线性加载两种情况下土体沉降的理论公式的推导,得出了指数曲线模型改进的计算模型,并给出了该计算模型的各个参数具体的计算方法。
The arithmetic of one unit linearity return can obtain standard working curve of sample liquid and pertinency coefficient was calculated to estimate standard working curve's pertinency. 应用一元线性回归方法求得特定溶液标准工作曲线,计算曲线的相关系数判断标准工作曲线的相关性。
Results Drift and mechanical lag were little. The insulated resistance value of the transducer was more than 200M Ω whether the transducer was in air or in normal saline for a long time. The linearity of the load strain curve was good. 结果本肌肉压力微机测量系统具有零位漂移不明显,机械滞后小,传感器在空气及生理盐水中的绝缘电阻值均大于200MΩ,载荷-应变曲线线性度好等特点。
It is studied in this paper that linearity of measure curve, a new kind method about independent linearity is brought forward and different linearity are compared based on examples. 研究了测量曲线的线性度;提出了一种求取独立线性度的新方法,并结合实例对不同的线性度进行了综合比较。
On Linearity of Measure Curve 测量曲线的线性度研究
Linearity range width, the linearity relevance modulus adjusting a curve's respond to 0.999 grade greater than. 线性范围宽,校准曲线的线性相关系数应大于0.999等。
Some research work have been done to find how the thickness of the chip, the the linearity of the I-V curve and frequency affect the performance of the LAPS system. Trough experiments, the best parameters suitable for this system are found. 论文中研究了LAPS芯片厚度、调制频率、LAPS测试曲线的线性度对系统性能的影响,并通过实验选择了适用于本系统的最佳参数。
Laboratory experiments show that when chemical interference with relation to the concentration presents itself, it has an effect on the linearity of the standard curve. 实验表明,当这类干扰存在时,将影响工作曲线的线性,因而影响到标准加入法测定结果的可靠性。
The air pressure sensor signal is not linearity, with the curve not the line corrects to compensate with temperature, the high accuracy of the realization air pressure measure. 气压传感器的非线性问题,用曲线拟合法进行气压信号的非线性校正和温度补偿,达到气压的精度要求。
The nitrogen application amount had a positive linearity correlation with spike number while a quadratic curve or negative linearity correlation was existed between the ratio of basic to topdressing and spike number. 施氮量与单位面积穗数呈线性正相关,氮肥基追比与穗数呈二次曲线或线性负相关,专用小麦不同追施氮肥时期处理均三叶一心期追施氮肥穗数最多。
Through linearity regression to the concentration curve of Fe, it gets rid of the influence of the concentration changing, and it ensures the current research of wear and failure. 通过对换油后Fe浓度曲线进行线性回归,在系统中排除了换油后的浓度变化的影响,从而为柴油机的磨损趋势和故障趋势的研究提供了保证。
The linearity region for measuring sulphur by FPD-gas chromatography is nar-row ( 10~ 2). With the BASIC program a suitable calibration curve can be judged and chosen. 火焰光度检测器气相色谱用于硫的检测线性范围很窄(10~2),作者借助BASIC程序判断、选择合适的校正曲线以达到处理数据的目的。
Satisfactory linearity of working curve was obtained. 工作曲线线性良好;
With its operating software run under Windows, it can automatically test such parameters as Linearity, Return Curve, Repeatability and Stableness of sensors. 可以实现倾角传感器线性度、灵敏度、迟滞回线、重复性以及稳定性的自动测试。
Secondly, against the problem that the linearity of inductive micrometer is poor in wide ranges, it compares with the usual methods of non-linearity compensation, and then determines the method used in the system based on the research of characteristic curve of sensor in detail. 然后,针对电感位移传感器在大范围内线性度差的问题,通过对常用的非线性补偿方法进行比较,在详细研究传感器特性曲线的基础上,选用分段多项式拟合的方案进行补偿;
The analyzing methods about psychology lengthways studying data have greatly been developing in recent years, such as repeat geodesic analysis, time list analysis, multiplayer linearity model, hidden variable rising curve model. 关于心理学纵向研究数据的分析处理方法,近年来有了较大的发展,比较典型的有:重复测量的方差分析,时间序列分析,多层线性模型,潜变量增长曲线模型。
The results show that the new type of proportional direction valve is of good steady state control characteristics and equal displacement characteristics. The linearity of the control curve of the main spool displacement is well. However, there exists a certain neutral position control dead zone. 研究结果表明,新型比例方向阀的稳态特性和等位移特性良好,主阀芯位移控制曲线的线性度也较好,但有一定的中位控制死区。
The affinity between two memberships can be used for assessment to the linearity of the matched curve. 利用归一化贴近度可以评价拟合曲线的线性度。
The issue of moving object trajectory is researched in this paper. Two expressions of moving object trajectory are linearity insert model and curve function model. 本文研究了移动对象轨迹问题,介绍了在移动对象数据库中轨迹模型表达的两种方法:线性插值模型和曲线函数模型。
Firstly, we introduce the linearity of the power amplifier. Secondly we describe the AM-AM, AM-PM characteristics curve. At last, we analysis and stimulate the effect which power back-off brings about in the communication system with OFDM modulation. 先是对功率放大器的线性度进行了介绍,继而描述了AM-AM与AM-PM特性曲线,最后就功率回退方法对60GHz通信下OFDM系统产生的影响进行了分析与仿真。